Tuesday, June 18, 2013

#7 Complete

Surgery seven is now behind us and we forge on with our brave hero, Tristan.  The surgery was successful and had no hiccups.  The surgeon was able to get quite a stretch on Tristan this time…in fact he is about 3/4 of an inch taller.  He definitely felt this surgery more, as he has been a little more prone to rest on the couch than normal for him.
Our trip home was smooth, well except for that six hour delay at the airport with three kids.  We now have to stay “high and dry” for the next few weeks as Tristan can’t go in the shower for a week, can’t go in the tub for two weeks, can’t go in the pool for three weeks and can’t go in a lake/river/pond for six weeks! 
We are ever grateful for all the thoughts and prayers that you all give, and forever thankful to Our Lord and Savior for walking with us every step of the way.  We have so much to be thankful for and hope that Tristan’s journey is a faith boost for all you.  Join us in December for surgery #8.
God Bless,
The West Family

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

7th Surgery Trip - Day 1

I’ve been married for 8 ½ years now…and I love her, I really do. However, it is her goal to push me to insanity. For those of you who have been following the blog for some time, you know that Becky insists on making us walk from the train station to the hotel on our Philly trips. Well, except for last time…December 2012 (mark your calendars, folks) she let us rent a car and avoid walking all together. So I thought I had finally broken her…NOPE! Apparently, the reason we rented a car last time was because it was winter and too cold out for the baby. Now, it is June and “a little humidity and rain”…that’s right RAIN “is NOT a reason to use the services of a taxi.”

Let me tell you how it went…we left for the airport and due to my very astute planning we arrived at the airport within the required “two hour before your flight” timeframe of the TSA. Hooray…one point, Adam. We make it to the gate, board, and arrive in Philly right on time. Hooray…three more points, Adam. We pick up the one checked suitcase (that’s right let’s cram as much as we can in one bag…so my clothes can be wrinkled all week, but save $$$) and we get on the train in record time. Hooray…two more points, Adam! We get to our stop on the line and begin walking to the hotel with three kids, a suitcase, a carry-on roller bag, a diaper bag, three backpacks and the “retro metro” (for all you Thirty-One fans) bag. We brought the double stroller so Emerson and Tristan are riding along and Addison who is a real trooper on these trips is walking merrily with us. Then….drip….drip….and then downpour! Ugh.

So then the question is to hail a taxi or not…insert witty comment from Becky, “It’s a warm rain.” We walk….or trudge…I think it was trudging on my part. Now, Becky did have me pack one umbrella…so Addison is covered and Emerson has the little stroller cover…so at least the girls are dry. Tristan is holding a bag on his lap, so he only gets his head and shoulders wet. However, Becky and I are soaked to the skin. One nice man (who didn’t realize I was with Becky) offered to walk her to the hotel with an umbrella over her head….incredible, but she sweetly declines.

We drip into the hotel lobby and the hotel tells us that our room isn’t ready yet…(did I mention Ronald McDonald House couldn’t squeeze us in?)…so we hang in the lobby (soaking wet) for forty minutes until we can go up to our room.

In our room, we change into dry clothes and decide to walk to the bookstore and grab some dinner from the “Wawa.” We get caught in another downpour this one with winds strong enough to invert our umbrella. However, some nice man (a different one) offered an umbrella to Becky, so now we are all soaked this time…but own two umbrellas. So I guess Becky gets a point for that.

After the second drenching, we enter the hotel lobby and find a superfluous amount of people in said lobby. An alarm is sounding and emergency strobes are flashing. We are wet and in the lobby again while a “false alarm” gets cleared by authorities. (Apparently, it was the second false alarm of the day.) We settle in for the night and then at 2:49am the alarm and emergency strobes are flashing again. A computerized voice is telling us to make our way to the nearest emergency exit. We throw on flip flops and grab our wallets and the kids - out the door in less than 20 seconds. Poor Addison is dazed and confused but walking down the twelve flights of stairs, while Tristan is attached to Becky in a monkey grip, and I am holding sweet smiling Emerson.

We wait outside with strangers (also in their pajamas and one person oddly, wearing only a robe) until the alarms stop. I realize that I forgot the room key in the room (I think I lose a point for that) so we wait in the lobby again for the crowds to clear and for the front desk to get back to their normal activities.

We are back in our room by 3:30 and the big kids go to bed pretty quick. Emerson settles back down by about 5am…and the alarm goes off at 7am to get ready for the pre-op day at the hospital. Whew…day one is done…day two will clearly pale in comparison (I hope).

Superhero "Tristan"

An Update on Our Superhero, Tristan!

For those of you who have been following us closely with Tristan’s surgeries…his last surgery went very well in December 2012. He took a few weeks away from preschool and went back in full swing by early January 2013 after a great family Christmas holiday. He enjoys school, his teacher and friends. He has been doing so well at school and has really taken an interest in learning more and more. He loves to sing and through little catchy songs he has mastered a lot of material in the last few months. He also just recently graduated from Preschool and will be starting Kindergarten in the Fall.  He is so excited!

Tristan was “adopted” by the Rainbow Connection a year and a half ago. This is a charity for children who have special medical needs in Michigan. They grant a big wish to the “wish child” (Tristan picked Disney World last April) then after the big trip they send out tickets to local venues, as they become available. Tristan enjoyed a day at the International Auto Show in January, and recently a day at the Grand Prix on Belle Isle.

Tristan listening to the driver of car 55, who also is named Tristan, at the Detroit Grand Prix.

The family enjoying the day at the Detroit Grand Prix. Minus Emerson of course.  Those cars are very loud.

Medically, the last six months have been quite relaxed. Tristan’s nephrologist has given another three year clearance, as his solitaire kidney is doing wonderfully. Tristan stopped his weekly physical therapy appointments at the hospital center because he had hit a plateau. In order to keep him limber, we placed him in swim lessons, which he LOVES! He has been working so hard on moving from level three to level four, although arching his back to float is really tough for him. Hopefully, this next surgery doesn’t set him back much…as he has to stay out of class for approximately a month.

Tristan’s next surgery will be on Wednesday, June 12th (Tomorrow). We expect great things on this journey and thank God for his enduring grace and mercy. Your prayers and support are so appreciated and are such a blessing on our family and more importantly Tristan’s life.