Sunday, October 24, 2010


First, let me apologize for the delayed update.  Now that Tristan is in recovery, I have less time to be on the laptop, but that means more time with him!

Friday was a good day.  We were able to get a handle on his pain control (except when picking him up or trying to move him.)  The ortho residents changed the dressing - I am amazed at how much straighter his back is now.  He had some great milestones on Friday.  I was able to hold him in a chair and not the bed.  The nurse took off the majority of his monitoring leads, which makes it easier to move him around.  Tristan sat on the edge of the bed AND he took three steps.  Later in the evening he took his longest walk, yet about 25 feet.  Afterwards, Becky said he was exhausted and cried "up" and she had to carry him the last few feet to his room.  We are amazed at this progress, we were under the impression it would be another day or two before he really started to move.

Saturday, started off really rough. I got to the hospital about 7:30am.  Becky has spent every night with him.  I have tried to get back to the RMH so that Addison had some normalcy with me there each night.  (Even though Aunt Debbie is with her.)  Anyway, when I walked into the room he started crying and then the crying turned to shrieking.  Apparently, Tristan's medicine was delayed a bit in the night.  (I don't know what the nurse was thinking to skip it just because he was sleeping.) The poor little guy was miserable.  I tried to hold him to comfort him, but that didn't seem to work.  Then, his diaper leaked and he peed all over me.  He had to be changed (and so did I.)  While changing him we noticed that his skin rash was getting worse.  He already has had some skin break down, but now he has gotten a skin rash.  We think he is allergic to the sticky pads of the leads and tape.  So along with some oral meds, he was also given a round of IV Benadryl....he was OUT!  He slept for about 4 hours and woke up a new little boy.

Upon awaking he watched the Spartan's go to 8-0 and then a little DVD of Thomas the Train, who he has fallen in love with this trip.  (Guess, I'll be investing in train stuff for Christmas.)  After the movie, Aunt Debbie cuddled up with him a bit...and then she asked him to show her the playroom.  He agreed to be moved (even though it hurts) and off we went.  A few minutes later he found a vacuum and just had to push it...I think he pushed it down the hallway at least three times.  Amazing!  Later, he was able to get into a kneeling position on his own to play with another toy.  He still has a solemn expression, but you can see some of the pain in his big brown eyes disappearing.  He isn't quite back to his old self, but I see some glimpses.  He is also starting to say a few more words again and wants to communicate a bit more.  I know we did the right thing for him by bringing him here, but seeing him walk straighter makes me feel even better about it all.

It appears that things are still on schedule and we'll be able to make it back on Tuesday afternoon to Michigan.  We appreciate all of you continuing to support us and for your prayers for our sweet little man.


  1. Amazing!!! Wishing him continued success in his recovery.
    The Piziali's

  2. Truly amazing! Way to go Tristan! We're praying for you!

  3. Such amazing progress - thanks for the updates, still praying and will continue to do so.

  4. It will continue to get better with time! Go Tristan!!! I continue to add you guys to my thoughts and prayers everyday....virginia

  5. Yay! That made me smile today! He looks like he's made good progress. I will still pray!

  6. Way to go Tristan!!! He looks great. We will continue to pray for him and Mom and Dad and Addison. Love you guys:D The Hahn's

  7. That is the most awesome thing I've watched today!!! Way to go, Tristan! We're praying hard for you!

  8. Praise God!!! Way to go, Tristan!!! We are praying for you all and holding you all close in our hearts. We love you all! - The Dobbs

  9. Wow, amazing! But next time, Adam, don't blame Tristan when you pee yourself ;) Hope the trip home is smooth and he continues safely healing on this incredible journey.

  10. I am so glad to hear that the surgery and his recovery is going well. I know that you still have a ways to go, but God is not only good he is far beyond anything that we can express in words. Before you know it, your son will be walking around without any discomfort. We all are looking forward to that day.

  11. So great to see Tristan on the move so soon after surgery! Let me know if he's interested in some extra vacuuming duty - we've got a golden retriever and could keep him busy for years:-). We're keeping you in our prayers. Safe travels home next week.

  12. It is so amazing to watch him go go go, God is continuing to answer prayers in such a powerful way. Safe travels back to MI!
    Lisa R-A
