Well, it can’t ever be uneventful apparently. We got to the airport over two hours ahead of our flight, which I checked multiple times on our itinerary. We checked our baggage and then the airline representative said, “Your flight leaves at 7:44 tonight. You’re all set out of gate A27.” The wife and I looked at each other then back at the airline representative. “What time?”, I asked. “7:44pm, sir - five hours.” So….I show her our itinerary showing we leave in two hours. Apparently, the airline cancelled that flight about three months ago, and bumped us to the next flight. That would have been nice to know earlier in the day. So after killing five hours at the airport we left “right on time” for Philadelphia, PA.
We arrived late, but this time we had a rental car so we were able to get into the city easily with no issue. We woke early on Friday morning for the typical x-ray, doctor consult, bloodwork, anesthesia appointments that are part of our pre-op half day. All went well and we were walking out in record time. We were able to check-in on Friday at the Ronald McDonald House, which had the kids beyond excited. In addition, the Gregory family (five and one on the way) from Charleston, SC was coming up for the weekend to do a little sight-seeing and give Tristan some pre-surgery support.
Saturday morning our family along with our friends took a drive out to Valley Forge (only about 20 minutes from the city.) We walked the sacred ground and endured the Wife’s history fascination for a good two hours out in the hot sun. I now know more than I ever cared to know about the encampment of 1777-78, please feel free to test me. After a few shots (that’s a revolutionary war play on words for you) of the families with canons and replicated cabins we were off to lunch. Becky wanted to go into Amish country for an “authentic family style meal.” That didn’t work out….so we went to the King of Prussia Mall and ate at CPK (California Pizza Kitchen.)
The Wife (if you know her, you are aware of this) likes to “woo” people. (This means she talks to everyone.) You can tell when she is “wooing” because the pitch of her voice goes up and she pretends she is southern. I think it’s endearing and apparently so did the regional manager at the CPK who after hearing that we were in town for Tristan’s 9th spinal surgery took care of the check for our party of 11! So here is my plug for CPK….go there….they do really nice things for people. Seriously though, how amazing and it just shows how at every turn God blesses us on this journey.
Sunday morning we went downtown to attend Christ Church. It is the church that George Washington and a whole lot of other famous people that Becky told me, but I don't remember, went to worship. After service we met the Gregory’s for a little more time together and then said goodbye to them as they headed home. Since we were “already downtown” we (meaning The Wife) thought we should get tickets to see Independence Hall with the kids. These tickets are free so I could come up with no reason why we shouldn't see the “Historic State House of Pennsylvania” (see I listened to the tour guide.) I think Addison and Tristan enjoyed it and it gave Becky a chance to “woo” another Park Ranger with questions. Enjoy a few shots (hilarious…I used it again) of our sight-seeing below and certainly check out the city of Brotherly Love for yourself…as it is pretty cool.
Thanks for all of the detail. So glad you're able to add some fun to these trips. And Oh how I know Becky's "wooing" accent.☺